Why Personalize?
Personalizing every interaction with prospects, future customers and customers is every marketer’s dream because delivering relevant content, messaging and offers, Increases conversions; Improves customer retention; Makes our marketing useful, and Finally, our prospects and customers Expect and Appreciate companies who make the effort to Personalize: know them, providing personalized experiences and offers, particularly ones that are predictive rather than reactive.
To add a final benefit, Personalization does all the above while maximizing our Efficiency in creating and managing marketing assets and utilizing our resources & budget.
Following are 3 steps to kickoff your company’s Website and Marketing Personalization with Social Login

When prospects and customers on our website register and authenticate with Social Login, AKA Social Sign-In, they give us permission to access rich, first-party social data (their social profile). Detailed profile information such as age, marital status, interests, demographics, education, industry, social connections and more can easily be collected to provide us a deep, rich profile we use to learn who our prospects and customers really are, beyond the name, email and phone number we may or may not have already.
2. Analyze and Segment based on Social Profile Insights
Studying and analyzing the rich user data stored on our prospects’ and customers' Social Profiles, uncovers valuable, actionable, information about them. These insights make it easy to segment our prospects and customers based on criteria that matters to our business, targeting specific attributes such as Age, Gender, Marital status, Language, Country, Industry, Interests and so on. Collecting this rich user data with Social login is easy.
Studying and analyzing the rich user data stored on our prospects’ and customers' Social Profiles, uncovers valuable, actionable, information about them. These insights make it easy to segment our prospects and customers based on criteria that matters to our business, targeting specific attributes such as Age, Gender, Marital status, Language, Country, Industry, Interests and so on. Collecting this rich user data with Social login is easy.
3. Kickoff Personalization [Both, real-time on Website, AND marketing campaigns]
- Personalize your marketing campaigns: Create and deliver Personalized marketing campaigns, targeting your prospects specific attributes such as Age, Gender, Marital status, Language, Country, Industry, Interests and so on.
- Real Time Personalization on your website: Create and deliver real-time Personalized website engagements and offers, targeting prospects and customers based on specific attributes such as Age, Gender, Marital status, Language, Country, Industry, Interests and so on, while they are ON the website.
Come learn more about SeatID’s Social Login and Technology; We’d love to learn about your use-case and get your feedback.
SeatID’s Technology enables Social Proof, Social Booking and Social Seating by leveraging easy opt-in of future customers on your website (Social Login) AND visibility into which of their friends and social circles have previously purchased from your company. Rolling out our solutions will remove obstacles standing between your brand and future customers, leading to improved engagement, conversions and more sales.
Implementation is easy and takes only a few hours.
Photo by: Erik Drost
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